British Schoolgirls’ Indoor Races Results

Results for the 2023 event

Details of medal winners by category are summarised below; full results can be found on the GB Snowsport website here.

Team Slalom

1st - South Hampstead High School A Team

2nd - South Hampstead High School C Team

3rd - Reeds A Team

Parallel Slalom

1st - South Hampstead High School A Team

2nd - South Hampstead High School B Team

3rd - Surbiton High School A Team

Individual winners by age group

U19 - Holly Tutt - Bedford Girls’ School

U16 - Melissa Hamer - South Hampstead High School

U14 - Evie Arnold - South Hampstead High School

Overal individual winner

Holly Tutt - Bedford Girls’ School

Winners of A, B, C, D & E TEam competitons

A South Hampstead High School

B South Hampstead High School

C South Hampstead High School

D Wycombe Abbey School

E North London Collegiate School

Results for the 2022 event

Team slalom

1st: New Hall

2nd: Stafford Grammar

3rd: South Hampstead High School

Full results be team can be found here

Parallel Slalom

1st: South Hampstead High School      

2nd:  Sherborne

Joint 3rd: Tudor Hall School/New Hall School

Individual winners by age group

U19 Elena Blaikie (Stafford Grammar School)       

U16 Holly Tutt (Bedford Girls’ School)

U14 Amelia Pietrzak (New Hall School)

The full set of individual results by age group can be found here

Overall winner

The overall winner was Holly Tutt of Bedford Girls’ School who had the fastest time in both runs of the race.

The full set of individual results can be found here

Results for previous Years:

2021 - Click on the link for the full results table

2019 - Click on the link for the full results table