To become a Member of The Ladies’ Ski Club
ORdinary membersHIP
Proposer and Seconder
All applications for Ordinary Membership must be proposed and seconded by two members of The Ladies’ Ski Club; both should have personal knowledge of the applicant and her qualifications. The proposer and seconder do not need to sign the application form but their names must be included.
If you do not know any members of The Ladies’ Ski Club who can propose and/or second your application, please get in touch with our membership secretary by email on and we will try to assist.
Minimum age
The minimum age for applications for membership is 12 as at 1 January in the year of application.
Entrance fees and annual subscriptions
New Ordinary Members must pay an entrance fee of £10 and a full year’s annual subscription of £20 i.e. a total of £30; the full year’s subscription is due regardless of the application date. This payment must be paid by BACS once the application form has been submitted and membership will only be confirmed once it has been received. Please make a BACS payment of £30 to the account below, using your name as the reference:
Ladies’ Ski Club Ltd; Sort Code: 60-18-46; Account Number: 77891007
The membership year runs from 1 November to 31 October and the annual subscription of £20 is due on 1 November, regardless of joining date. Ongoing annual subscriptions are collected by Standing Order. In addition to the BACS payment, new members must set up a Standing Order for a minimum of £20 to go out on, or before, the next 1 November until further notice. Please set up your Standing Order to the account below and include your name as reference;
Ladies’ Ski Club Ltd; Sort Code: 60-18-46; Account Number: 77891007
Metal Club Badges
Members are encouraged to buy a Club Badge to wear at events; these cost £7.50. Please tick the box in the application form if you would like to buy one and add £7.50 to your entrance payment i.e. total payment £37.50.
Donations to our Racing Fund
The LSC annual subscription is small to encourage our young members but, if you feel able, please make a donation towards our Racing Fund which provides financial support to female competitors in snowsports. Your donation can be added to the initial entry payment and/or to your annual standing order payment. Please state the amount you would like to donate in the donation box on the application form.
Your Data
The Ladies’ Ski Club is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and the data we hold. To ensure this:
We will protect your personal details we collect to support your membership.
We will not share your details with other parties for any purpose.
We will share information with you about club news and events, including formal notifications such as notice of the AGM.
You are able to unsubscribe from any communications at any time.
Please write “No Communications” in the box on the application form if you would not like to be included in communications.
ASSociATE Membership
If you have raced in the British Schoolgirls’ Races (BSR) and are still at school or are under 18, you may apply to be an Associate Member. The minimum age for Associate Memberships is 12 as at 1 January in the year of application. Please scroll down to fill in the Associate membership application form at the bottom of this page instead. Associate Members do not need to pay an entrance fee or the annual subsription. Associate Members are invited to apply to become Ordinary Members when they reach the age of 18 or leave school, whichever is later.
Application form for Ordinary Members
please fill in the form below:
Please remember to:
Set up a BACS payment for a minimum of £30.00 for your Entrance Fee (£10) and Subscription for the year of joining (£20).
Add £7.50 to your BACS payment if you would like a badge
Set up a Standing Order for a minimum of £20 for your Annual Subscription; payment needs to got out on, or before, the next 1 November.
Make a donation to our Racing Fund by adding it to your initial BACS entry payment and/or adding it to your annual Standing Order.